Pumpkin crepes

All ingredients and proportions are the same as for regular crepes, pumpkin addition makes them extra flavorful. You can stuff your crepes with whatever you like, making them sweet or savory. They are actually absolutely delicious just as they are, and the color will brighten your day.

Ingredients :

(for 10 small crepes, about 4″ in diameter, double the amount for more)

  • 1 egg
  • Sugar – 1 tbsp
  • Salt – 1/4 tsp
  • Flour – 1/2 cup
  • Milk – 1 cup
  • Pumpkin puree – 2-3 tbsp
  • Vegetable oil – 1 tbsp


  • Put an egg into a bowl, add salt, sugar and about one third of flour
  • Mix all together with whisk till well combined
  • Add pumpkin puree and mix again
  • Start adding milk gradually alternating with flour till batter is smooth with no clumps of flour
  • Whisk in a tablespoon of vegetable oil
  • Put your non stick skillet on medium high heat, no oil is needed since there is some inside the batter
  • Using ladle pour 2-3 tbsp of batter into the pan, rotate the skillet it so the batter spreads evenly and covers the skillet surface
  • Fry about 1 minute on one side (when the edge is golden brown), flip it over and fry about 30 seconds on another side
  • Remove a crepe into a plate
  • I usually taste the 1st one and adjust salt/sugar if needed

Abundance of Cilantro!

It’s not just a way to preserve such fragrant and delicate herb but make a great condiment of your own.

Here is one idea – cilantro pesto:


  • Cilantro – about 1 cup (stems can be used too)
  • Garlic – 3-4 cloves
  • Red pepper flakes
  • Lime juice 2-3 tbsp
  • Olive oil – 3/4 of a cup
  • Pistachios – 1/4 cup
  • Salt -1/2 tsp
  • Pepper – 1/4 tsp
  • Optional – Manchego cheese


  • Put all the ingredients into the food processor and pulse till it becomes a paste.
  • It can stay in the fridge for weeks, great with rice, pasta, fish, cracker or just slice of bread.

Soup in Roasting Pan – Butternut Squash

Roasted vegetables have more pronounced and concentrated flavor when caramelized in oven. Not only butternut squash, but any vegetable soup that’s intended to be pureed. The ingredients and their proportions depend on what you have in your fridge, some can be added (carrots, hot pepper), some omitted (fennel, sweet pepper). The combination in the list of the ingredients makes for very delicious, comforting, satisfying soup and it’s made with the minimal effort.


  • Butternut squash
  • Fennel
  • Onion
  • Sweet pepper
  • Tomatoes
  • Chicken stock (vegetable stock or water)
  • Hot sauce (sriracha)
  • Roasted pumpkin seeds for garnish


  • Cut butternut squash into ~ inch size pieces
  • Slice onion, fennel, sweet peppers, tomatoes
  • Place on a big roasting pan in 1 layer
  • Sprinkle with olive oil, salt and pepper
  • Roast in the preheated to 375 °F oven for about 45 min till all vegetables are cooked and slightly brown
  • Put all vegetables in a blender, add some water or chicken stock and puree or use emerging blender in a pot
  • Move into a pan, add some hot sauce and bring the soup to a boil, check for seasoning and adjust if needed.
  • Serve hot with roasted pumpkin seeds and/or feta cheese crumbles


Zucchini Gratin

Unusual, delicious, decadent zucchini dish, great for family lunch/brunch, dinner side dish, or party buffet

It does require some preparation, but it absolutely melts in your mouth. The cheeses and spices/herbs are flexible, so are the proportions, use the ones you have and/or like and as many zucchini as you have, adding spinach is an option too.


  • 3-4 middle size zucchini
  • 2 tbsp butter
  • 2 tbsp flour
  • 1 cup whole milk
  • 2 tbsp olive oil
  • 1 -1.5 cup shredded cheese


  • Wash and peel zucchini (or summer squash)
  • Cut into pieces (if you use food processor) to fit into the food processor. Skip it if you use a hand grater. Shred zucchini using food processor or grate using hand grater.
  • Put shredded (grated) zucchini into a pan, add 4-5 cups of cold water, 1tbsp salt and put on high heat.
  • Bring to a boil and let it boil for about 3-5 min.
  • Drain through a sieve and wait till all water is drained.
  • Make Bechamel sauce:
  • Melt 2 tbsp butter on low-med heat, add 2 tbsp flour. Fry flour in a butter stirring constantly, gradually add milk, keep stirring to avoid lumps till the sauce start thickening. Once the sauce thickens – take it off the heat and let it cool a little.
  • In a big bowl combine drained zucchini, grated cheese (I used provolone and fontina), it can be gruyere, parmigiano, manchego or a combination of the above, even cheddar. Season with 1 tsp salt, half tsp of pepper, you can add nutmeg, dry garlic, dry oregano or any other herb you like.
  • Oil deep baking dish. Pour zucchini mixture into a dish and put into a preheated to 375°F oven for 50-60 min (or till it’s golden). Take a small taste 15 min before it’s cooked and add salt/pepper if needed.
  • Serve hot or warm and you can reheat the leftovers

Запеканка из Кабачков.


  • 3-4 кабачка зуккини среднего размера
  • 2 ст. ложки сливочного масла
  • 2 ст. ложки муки
  • 1 стакан молока
  • 2 ст. ложки оливкового масла
  • 1-1.5 чашки тёртого сыра (проволон, фонтина, груйер, пармезан, манчего, чеддер).


  • Помойте кабачки, очистите от кожуры.
  • Нарежьте на дольки, которые поместятся в кухонный комбайн.
  • Для натирания на тёрке нарезать не надо

Соус Бешамель:

  • в небольшом сотейнике на небольшом огне растопите 2 ст ложки сливочного масла,
  • добавьте 2 ст ложки муки, поджарьте непрерывно помешивая.
  • продолжая помешивать постепенно добавьте молоко.
  • не переставая мешать доведите соус до загустения, снимите с огня, остудите.
  • Натрите сыр.
  • Смешайте кабачки, бешамель, сыр.
  • Добавьте 1 чайную ложку соли, 1/2 чайной ложки перца.
  • Можно добавить сухой чеснок, орегано, мускатный орех.