This is one of the most simple beet salads. Of course the beets have to be cooked first.
You can boil it, but the best way is baking. Just wash it, wrap in a foil like you do with potato and put it in your oven (I usually place a couple there when I bake or cook something else). You can check the readiness by poking through the foil with a toothpick, should feel soft. When it’s baked all the juices remain inside the root and the sweetness is concentrated. If you don’t use them right away you can keep them in a fridge for several days. And the peeling is very easy.
- Peeled baked beets – 2 medium
- Roasted walnuts – 2-3 tbsp
- Garlic – 2-3cloves
- Peel the beets and grind using hand grinder (very easy),
- Chop walnuts or even break them with your hands
- Finely chop or grind garlic
- Season with salt and pepper
- Dress with several drops of olive oil and or 1 tsp of mayonnaise
Decorate or garnish with some pickles or capers