It is unbeatable by both taste and simplicity.
In my opinion, beets have been unfairly underused here in the States, but lately it seems like they are gaining popularity.
I am not going to list here all the nutritional and health benefits of this amazing root vegetable, but I do want to suggest some ideas for simple, yet delicious salads and snacks.
There are salads made with raw beets, but the most traditional way is to cook them first. Don’t use beets from a jar!!!
The best way to cook a beet is to bake it, which keeps all of the juices in the root and concentrates its natural sweetness: just wash it, wrap it in aluminum foil like a baked potato, and put it in your oven (I often place a couple beets into the oven whenever I am baking something else). You can check the readiness by poking through the foil with a toothpick- it should feel soft when it’s ready. Then – just peel it; the baking makes it very easy.
This salad is super simple – just grind your beets, add some roasted walnuts and minced garlic. Season with salt and pepper, dress with several drops of olive oil and/or a teaspoon of mayonnaise.
Add pickles for a simple garnish; the sweet and sour crunch plays beautifully with the beets.
Enjoy it as a side dish, or a lunch salad (perfect for social distancing – it has lot’s of garlic inside).
The recipe is here